Dan-Calin, Christina » Home


My name is Mrs. Dan and I have been teaching at Arleta High School mathematics since the school opened in October, 2006. My first job in the working world was as a mechanical engineer at an iron and steel works.
Low Danube University, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, 1993
California State University Northridge,Single Subject-Mathematics Teaching Credential, 2003
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. The primary goal for the study of mathematics is to give students experiences that promote the ability to solve problems and build mathematics from situations generated within the context of everyday experiences. Students are also expected to make conjectures and conclusions, and discuss their reasoning in complete sentences, both written and spoken, with pictures, graph charts, and technology.
For all classes use your Schoology account to see your class syllabus, math assignments and assessments, updated grades, and messages from me. Parents, you could link your child's Schoology account to your email to receive massages and check current grades, as well. Throughout the year I shall be offering tutoring after school by appointment, upon request.